The Power of the Individual
It is the individual who makes America great. It is the individual who creates prosperity through innovation. And, it is the individual who can best decide for themselves what path to take in life and how to raise their family.
The National Debt
It has ballooned up to $21 trillion in debt and few are willing to talk about this.
Congress is supposed to have greater control over the Treasury than it presently maintains. Over the course of a century, our legislative branch has too willingly handed-over this authority to the executive branch. The tab for this abdication of constitutional duty will come due sooner or later.
The Economy
We tax too much and – more importantly – we spend too much. This is an unsustainable path. Government’s gluttony for taxing and spending hampers economic growth in America at every turn by creating market distortions and sapping the middle class of its purchasing power and ability to build savings. That impact on upon the middle class is an unconscionable consequence of government-caused resultant inflation.
This has to be reversed sooner rather than later.
Civil Liberties
An uncomfortable conversation must begin in America. Civil liberties are on the ropes in our country. Federal programs – principally law enforcement grants and others (such as program 1033 of the National Defense Authorization Act) designed to furnish surplus military-grade gear – promote increased militarization of law enforcement agencies at all jurisdiction levels.
Such federal programs have incentivized policies that emphasize generating crime statistics through convictions by any means over bringing real criminals to justice.
The result is a log-jammed court system, overcrowded prisons, and steadily rising tensions between the law enforcement community and the neighborhoods and communities they are supposed to be serving and protecting.