
Don Kissick – 2018 Campaign Platform Priorities

1. The national debt – it’s at $21 trillion… Why is no one talking about this anymore?!

The primary means of reducing it is a simple one. Cut. Spending. Now.

2. No more 1,000+ page legislation – Since his first day in office, President Trump has vetoed exactly zero spending bills. We have to start electing U.S. representatives who will stop sending wasteful legislation to his desk. We have to put America back on the right path.

3. Tax reform – I want to see all taxes lowered and the tax code dramatically simplified – preferably to a flat tax rate. After that, the federal government ought to begin the transition toward a Fair Tax.

Between now and such time as that goal is realized, one tax reduction that is realistic for rapid pursuit is slashing federal diesel fuel taxes. This will offer both immediate and long-term benefits to the economy.

4. Civil liberties are under constant assault in our society. I will fight tirelessly to turn the tide on this problem. In conjunction with that…

5. Criminal justice reform – Repeal the Clinton Crime Bill of 1994. End Program 1033 of the National Defense Authorization Act. Repeal the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. End all federal incentives for civil asset forfeiture. Reform how Qualified Immunity is applied. Legalize Cannabis.

6. Foreign policy – I am a non-interventionist. Our ongoing role as World Police is unsustainable. See plank 1 for more on why.

7. Preserving the Second Amendment and its protection of the right to keep and bear arms will always be a priority for me.

8. Immigration reform – Legal entry into our country is entirely too difficult. Additionally, the effort to “build the wall” is creating nightmare situations along the border for property owners as well as for- and non-profit operations through abuses of eminent domain, the Fourth Amendment, and (unbelievably) the Third Amendment.

9. Corporate subsidies and bailouts are an enormous waste of taxpayers’ money and accomplish nothing more than to atrociously distort market conditions – in every industry where they are received – by keeping afloat companies which would otherwise rightly fail if not for their political connections.

10. End all foreign aid – Speaking of enormous wastes of taxpayer money which create unnecessary distortions…